Did You Know of the Day:
Did you know that you didn't invent yourself?
Ok, well in a way you did, but it's like you've been handed a spiral-shaped canvas of colors and it's been up to you what artwork you've made.
The sky may seem blue because of your inherited genetics, it could also be painted grey thanks to a different palette of D to the N to the A.
What we have inherited becomes bangingly conspicuous when we bounce it against people from other families of origin - more than likely our spouse/partner.
We see that we were raised to:
Express love differently
Use money differently
Aim for different things in life
Seek attention differently
Yes I could have found other synonyms to prevent typing the word different 4 times, but I was trying to prove the point of difference with a repetition of sameness...oh nevermind...
Here's the thing:
Not only do we approach this epic game called life with divergent sets of "rules" handed down from our upbringing, but we have also inherited the battles of previous generations.
Alcoholism may have squished your dad and his dad, and his old papa...you gonna let it squish you?
Depression may have dampened the skies of yo mama and her mama's mama, as well as Ms. Jackson.
Learned helpness is not only learned, but taught, and maybe it's been taught to you.
But uh ha, there is a glorious ray of sunshine shattering rain into a spectrum of colors, and it is this:
YOU have the power to break these cycles! And the stakes are so much higher than just your own life. It will affect your kids, and their spouses, and the world we leave behind and eternity into forever and ever Amen.
Oh, but that's not the end, it's the beginning. Wanna slay some dragons?
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