Dad who governs the skies and the lands
You are set apart, like no one else.
Please make Yourself King of my world, the ruler of my life.
Don’t let my silly persona try to dictate how things should go; remind me
that’s Your terrain.
Earth is, Heaven is, I am.
Give us what we need to survive please, we know You know.
And I’m sorry for all the ways I mess up, and keep messing up, and falling
short of the life You intend for me.
Help me to truly not hold grudges, and to let things go like You do.
Please keep me away from Sin and its tangles; remind me who I am.
You’ve overcome evil – smash it in my life please!
Cos You are the King, the MAN!
You rock, and You rule, You’re ridiculously huge, and magnificently
And You always will be. Forever and