14 September 2013

The 3 Phases that Everything, and I mean Everything, Goes Through (According to Hegel) - PART 1

“Nietsche is dead” - God

There was this philosopher bruv Hegel who painted a circular yet progressive picture of time.  He reckoned that every kind of history (including philosophical, religious and even the history of the psyche of your eccentric neighbour Gerry) progresses through three phases (Postmodern Philosophy of Religion 38-42):

 PART 1 (Second and third parts to come...)

The first is called Monism .  It’s characterised by a primitive unity, harmony.  There is coherence between self and other as they’re all part of an undivided whole. 
-In religious terms this is exemplified by the ancient Greek, Vedic and Roman religions.  In Biblical terms it’s the unspoiled world of Eden.  Oral traditions emphasise this unity and its holism still penetrates the African worldview.  There is theanthropocosmic union between humanity, God and nature. 

The same concept occurs in biology and psychodynamics.   Babies don’t recognise the difference between themselves and others until they’re 6 months old.  Some cases of stroke victims as well as autism are characterised by a sense of blurred lines between self and other, with the boundaries bleeding into each other so to speak.  Jill Bolte Taylor speaks about the blissful realisations that came about as a result of a stroke in her left hemisphere.  Her right, holistic hemisphere didn’t differentiate between herself and creation.  


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