30 June 2012

Hating the Rat Race

Wow, I'm in the process of buying a house at the moment, and what a mission and a half!

I've only been in the country for a year and a half, so it complicates an otherwise complicated matter.
But here's the point, and why I'm spending valuable synapse energy on it:  I can NOT handle working for someone 40 hours a week for the rest of my life!

We work to pay rent, and hardly get to appreciate the roof that the work puts over our head cos we're always at work saving for it.  Our lives are so full and so empty, and we never have the time to pause and properly delve into why.

Whether or not this first step on the property ladder is going to significantly change the course of my life, it'll save me $225 a month in rent, while I'm also building equity.  A choice that required effort to make, but is in the right direction.  Life's simple: make good choices.  God will open up the next rabbit hole once you follow the cat.

I wanna start my own business, but am stuck like a deer in the headlights of possibility.
A laser beam is useless if the ray is focussed too widely.  I need to hone my intention down on a specific field/opportunity, but I'm cautious about choosing the wrong pill.

Summer is a time for new life, new color, new vitality.

4 June 2012

Link to: The Cyclical Revolutions of Evolution - Progress?


A link to my poem/video that I made that seems to be getting a lot of hits.  But since it wouldnt open when I tried it, here is the direct YouTube link.

26 May 2012

The Next Step in our Evolution and what it Costs

Hasn’t consciousness been the primary vehicle of evolution in humans?  We realised that tools could make us powerful - that brain can outsmart braun and lead to its demise.  We made it, the sabre-toothed tigers didn’t.

The information age is the latest, and most drastic, transition period in humanity’s history.  We are now able to do virtually anything that people have ever managed to do since the dawn of time.  Us, personally, with a few taps on a keyboard.  What?!  We can learn almost anything, and communicate with almost anyone!  The Jungian collective subconscious is fast becoming conscious, and with united attention, I’m sure we can penetrate the veil that conceals Reality behind the secular.

Our kryptonite?  Busyness.  In a world where your mind is trying to fix a gazillion issues at once, there are few gaps in our linear thinking that allow us to even notice what’s happening – both inside ourselves and “out there”, as if there is a difference.  We are products of our culture, and culture is changing exponentially.  This evolving identity of ours can be disconcerting and scary, and shouldn’t be left to it’s own devices.  It’s essential for us to take the time to set the tracks of our own neuroplasticity routes.  When evolution is blind, it’s animalistic.  When it’s controlled, that’s the self-regulating “image of God” at work.

The move from the material to the mental plane has been happening for centuries, millennia.  But it’s evident more so now than ever.  A person can make thick cash by using their mind alone.  What are stocks?  Mutually agreed upon currencies, just like real currency is.  It’s no longer necessary for us to labor physically in order to thrive.  Is that a good thing?  It perpetually fills our mind with circulating abstractions and can easily steal our peace.  What is success?  You answer that.

Information age as these ones and these zeros
are heroes when knowledge brings power
Information craze has got us trapped in this overload mode
with wisdom so elusive in this hour

But come on my friends.
just cos convenience calls, we've forgotten we can turn off the phone
and where does the invasion end when we invite it to control our own homes in silence
Your attention is a priceless commodity.


Please comment guys, even if you just tell me where you're from!

20 May 2012

On God and Philosophy

Evolution is self-correcting and so is faith. Evolution needed the big bang and faith needs a first step. Martin Luther King said “you don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.” It’s only through the transmutation (tranfiguration) that occurs through the renewal of our minds that we can start to fathom these things. As Aquinas asserts, faith is not a way of knowing that leads to believing, but a way of believing that leads to knowing. Empirical philosophy is trying to put the cart before the horse and then whipping the poor equestrian!

Look, your conception of God is wrong, as are all of ours (courtesy of our finite minds). Although there’s proof that babies and animals have very different frames of consciousness than we do, any ENCULTURATED conceptions of God present in adult rationality are almost certainly flawed from genesis (as in both from the beginning AND also cos of Genesis the book). As usual, the finite symbols of language that we paint our rational consciousness pictures in are too dualistic to accurately speak of esoteric principles. The word “truth”, for instance, has been hijacked by empiricists and applied to a very narrow range of observable phenomena. This wasn’t the only conception of truth that philosophers originally pondered over. Truth is also a way. Its what is meant to be and, beyond human distortion, IS (ie. truth). Scripture says “test the Spirits [cos many can seem wise but aren't] and that “a tree is judged by its fruit”. So you KNOW that you’re experiencing God when the ongoing encounter produces the following:love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness and self-control. It may sound cliched but these “fruits of the Spirit” are profound and empirically verifiable (at least psychologically) frames of mind. Seek and you’ll find bruv. It’s philosophers’ prerogative to conduct these kind of mental/spiritual/abstract experiments. You can’t see it as testing GOD (remember He’s not a fan of that). But test the power of prayer and the application opportunities that it produces (by following the inner promptings when the situations arise), and then check for increases in these Spiritual fruits in your life. And walla, you’ve found God. (For yourself at least, it’s a secondary concern to try and prove it to the empirically-obsessed who’s hearts are hardened.)

26 April 2012

Painting my world in the color of language

but PRESSED for time.
When the circular track I run around in my head collapses, I come home to myself more often and run around less.
But yet cover more    d i s t a n c e.
A distance that has nothing to do with space; like love has nothing to do with time.
You're not gonna find It in It's s ym  b o l; mistaking the means for the end means the end.
But more writing follows the period.   (2012)
Can we rise above these words, or delve below them?
What do we find in the collective unconscious besides the unconscious.
The floodlight of the mind probes away for symbols to allow it to translate the untranslatable - essence.
Sometimes it does a good job.
That's when I truly meet you.

25 April 2012

And the WWW connects us exponentially!

No way, you peeps are actually viewing my blog!

I felt like I was throwing a multi-colored grain of sand in the ocean of the internet and saying "fetch"!  I was happy to see the steady but small viewing when I initially checked my stats, and then I realised that each time I viewed my own blog it logged me!  Well I guess I've always been my own biggest fan, and this is no exception.

Now I see that I've had views from Russia, Asia and North America, and that makes this white African one happy camper.  Not for the boost of my ego (cos I'm slave laboring to attain the cardinal virtue of humility at the moment), but because it shows the potential of the information revolution to connect people who would never have traversed even 2 of their 6 degrees of separation.

Last night I was watching a documentary about the dark ages that said Saint Dominic was one of the most educated people in Europe because he owned 250 books.  It went on to illuminate the lack of illumination due to little villages being cut off from each other.  Would the Bubonic plague have devastated Europe if a Tweet went out saying "Ouch, stay indoors!"

It's just another example of the unprecedented age we live in, in which the sky is the limit when we combine our collective subconscious into the three letters of "www."

I'll be monitoring this blog more often now, and would appreciate you subscribing so that I know that there are people out there expecting me to string more syllables together.

Blessings to the max!