11 March 2010

The Science of Trees and Religion

 Well what do the clever brethren think?

Einstein spake forth, saying: "religion and science are branches of the same tree" . Let's branch that train of thought off into a seedy analogy.

See branches stem from the same source. Despite deviating off in varying directions, they never rebel so fundamentally that one decides to venture off to the extreme south and burrow its buds back into the earth. It's one thing being radical by getting back to the roots, but the ostrich approach wouldn't be doing that branch's buds any favours! And neither are we. Our fruits and bud[die]s are gonna suffer if we close our eyes and defy either secularism or religion so radically that we choose the darkness of denial as a delusory alternative to Descartes' dilemma of dualistic dichotomy. (See the chapter on holism#)
No, branches have a synergistic relationship with each other; they're on the same mission. One may be more grounded, being closer to the roots, but all branches have the same objective: being nourished by the Light in order to sustain the development of the entire organism, the tree. The more progress one branch makes, the more energy is available for the other branches. You know, it's the old idiom "many branches make Light work" (or something along those lines!). They put Light to work through photosynthesis and power in numbers. That's why it's rare to see a tree with only one branch; we call that a stump and it ain't much to look at!

This is the way science and religion should be: allies in the quest for Light and Truth. They take different paths, but both need the Son's Light in order to be nourished.
Biology, botany, Biblical Theology – they all operate on the same natural law: the flow of Lifeforce. Have you ever noticed how the hierarchical# formations of bare winter trees resemble big, inverted human lungs? They operate on the same principle: providing nourishment through gaseous exchange. And our two species share a symbiotic relationship. It wasn't hard to persuade the trees to sign the cooperative agreement between us; it's the perfect trade off: they provide us with the oxygen we need and we provide them with their carbon dioxide…during the day. But then, when darkness falls and the Light isn't there to guide us into harmonious relationships, we compete for oxygen. This results in the occasional outburst of violence (which is how the sad case of the Alambama serial-killing shrub came into being). The moral is that harmony and synthesis thrive under Lighted conditions.

Nature is full of these kinds of analogies, and life is largely allegorical. The Bible, also being packed with metaphorical symbolism, tells us that as the branches of Christ's vine we're only nourished when in contact with His Light and that, like the diligent gardener, He'll prune off any branches that aren't bearing fruit. This is to make the plant/lung most efficient in providing service to the organism: the body (ie. the Church in the Christian paradigm).

21 February 2010

Frantic Antics

These incessant internal monologues are scratching again;
broken down records like the song I cant get out of my head
There is no time to press pause; inefficiency equals sin
Idleness is an idol I wont even love when I'm dead

What if blank spaces in thoughts aren't bounded by limits of space
but instead infused with wavelengths that our eyes cant comprehend
Would you waste your precious days toiling in haste through worldly haze?
These cloudy mirrors are only replaced when eye lines ascend

When we stare at our shoes they walk in the direction of pain,
bumping into the lamp post; not seeing the path it's showing
But by choosing the head-height view your eyes meet others' again
Look at the tramp walking past 'cos he's just been where you're going


17 February 2010

Specsavers Need to Employ Paul...Just Like We All do

So psychology talks about a concept called “schema”. See humans are efficient (ie. lazy) creatures. Exerting GREY-power is a second preference to exerting STAY power! Our brains all aim to be on those fabled holidays to ROMANIA (remain here)! Generating electrical current in order to make everyday decisions takes more time and effort than our chilled-out psyches are keen for. So lo and behold we’ve figured out a handy shortcut - sticking things in boxes. Have you ever questioned why there are so few items in the exact shape of boxes? Neither have I. Oh, you have?…you weirdo!
See things weren’t meant to fit neatly into four 90-degreed sides. The world’s too diverse and strangely angled for that. But we shove these poor conceptions into their brown-sided Alcatrazes and tape them up. We label these boxes, or “schema” as them psychological people call ‘em, and put them away to be pulled out at an appropriate opportunity. Next time we see a dude with pink spikey hair (usually every third Wednesday of the month) we whip out the punk box and try to neatly place the guy in it. Imagine how the brother, in his fanatical attempts at individualism, would resist being shoved into four brown corners! I mean if they were orange or pink corners that might be a different story but brown’s for frikken SQUARES man!
Look out! You’re likely to get a spikey pink chunk of hair to the eye!

Anyhoo, these schemas can be activated, or “primed” by exposing someone to a relevant stimulus beforehand. They did this experiment where they asked people to solve word anagrams. The group who had words relating to aging were proved to walk slower down the corridor on the way out of there than the control groups! In a huge way, the framework that we use to interpret the world affects our behaviour (including inducing the need for a FRAME!) This behaviour, in turn, affects people’s reactions to us, thereby creating self-fulfilling prophecies!
Same thing with watching violent movies. “They” (you know, those enigmatic yet official academics) proved that being exposed to violence promotes, say, reacting more aggressively towards someone who steals your parking spot. Come on man, has this recession made you too stingy to give a brother the benefit of the doubt?! (Ok ok, you’ve got me. This is all a big conspiracy to get you to chill out so I can nab your parking places!).
So its all about frames…lense frames. If the lenses we view life through colour it to such an extent that it defines our reality, then our trip to Specsavers may need to be taken more seriously as its outcome will form the foundations of this trip called life.

Now how much wisdom does Paul’s passing comment imply when he tells us to meditate on the true, honest, just, pure, lovely and good. etc.? Meditate on it, chew it, digest it so that it becomes part of your being. You are what you eat. Such wisdom…and from a world two millenia before psychology reared its inquisitive head!

2 January 2010

New Decade, New Beginnings, NEW BLOG!

There are a million other ways I’d wanna start this blog. But how do you initiate a mutual paradigm shift? How do you join a revolution? And how can these symbolic representations of concepts that we call “words” unite our subjective worlds?

I don’t have much of a clue, but then clues aren’t all they’re cracked up to be. Ignorance is bliss, right? Well then is faith the type of bliss that results from taking the red pill?
And could all these 1’s and 0’s (and the systemised rationality they represent) actually help us come back in a full circle? Back towards the unity that our initial quest for knowledge fragmented through the metaphorical apple?

Ooo abstract, abstract! K well I’ll just bust out a poem that I wrote for New Years, followed by a
quote from a friend that I thought was insightful:

- New Year is here! Bring on the:

Conquered fears and comforted tears.

Because our smears are forgotten, hopelessness disappears.
Allow Truth to appear and bring your destiny near.
Open those blind eyes to see and those deaf ears to hear.
As a generation of pioneers we're revolutionary volunteers,
journeying together to mind-blowing frontiers.
Spirited prayers followed by wide-open ears
lead to up-shifted gears and blossoming careers.
We're no more in arrears so share a couple of beers
and a bucket of cheers with your peers and loved dears.

It's a brand new decade guys - add your own visions, create your own life.


The vow that binds2strictly snaps itself. Excess on occasion is exhilarating. It prevents moderation from acquiring the deadening effect of a habit. Enjoy when u can, and endure when u must. U will turn over many a futile new leaf till u learn we must all write on scratched-out pages so God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me.

- Shot Lei!